Park View School Home

We Are Leaders
child pointing to his head.


100th Day

1-22-25 100th Day of School

Grades TK-2nd grade you are invited to dress like you are 100 years old to recognize the 100th day of school! We can't wait to see your creativity.
Grades 3-6 Dress in NEON or BRIGHT colors to celebrate the 100th Day of School

California School Parent Survey

Parents, your voice matters! we value your opinion and encourage you to complete the California School Parent Survey. The window to do so is 1/14/25-2/14/25. Visit the MVSD website to access your school's survey.

6th Grade Dedication Ad in Yearbook

Park View 6th grade dedication ad now on sale. Deadline is April 4th, 2025. Limited space availability. Log onto the website using the QR code or URL on above attached flyer.

Our Mission

At Park View Elementary we inspire all students to be LEADers by Learning together, Exceeding expectations, Accepting responsibility, and Demonstrating respect.

About Us

Partnership between home and school is fundamental to the success of our students. We encourage families to stay actively involved in their child's education through open communication with teachers, attending school events, and participating in parent-teacher conferences. We value your input, feedback, and support as we collaborate to create a positive and enriching school experience for our students.